This release fixes perl (a missing dependency on perl-autouse and perl-ExtUtils-MM-Utils from perl package, remove a useless post-install dependency on perl-macros from perl-interpreter, disable rpm-build package notes), perl-Algorithm-Diff (missing build dependencies), perl-constant (missing build dependencies), perl-Encode (a memory leak in function encode_method()), perl-Env (missing build dependency), perl-Fedora-VSP (broken bootstrapping), perl-File-Which (missing build dependency), perl-Net-Ping (shadowing of hash options in constructor, ICMPv4 length with bytes/data_size option, ICMP payload to match ICMPv6), perl-Package-Generator (missing build dependency), perl-Params-Check (missing build dependency), perl-Sub-Install (missing build dependency), perl-Text-ParseWords (missing build dependency), perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap (missing build dependency). It also enhances perl-IO-Zlib (a documentation, strict and warnings mode), perl-Module-CoreList (data for Perl 5.35.5 and 5.35.6), perl-Net-Ping (adds ICMPv6_NI_REPLY support), perl-Tie-RefHash (switch from "use vars" to "our").
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This update has been submitted for testing by ppisar.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by ppisar.
This update has been pushed to stable.