Final EOL release for F38. All flatpaks have been migrated to F39, and this will receive no further updates.
This update has been submitted for testing by yselkowitz.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
Something strange is going on with this:
Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: [2024-03-16 19:39:11,460: IN FO/ForkPoolWorker-16] Updating bug titles for security updates Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: [2024-03-16 19:39:11,514: WA RNING/ForkPoolWorker-16] Not removing builds of flatpak-runtime-f38-3820231204155221.1 flatpak-sdk-f38 -3820231204155221.1 from empty tag Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: [2024-03-16 19:39:11,765: ER ROR/ForkPoolWorker-16] /usr/bin/skopeo copy -a docker:// ak-runtime@sha256:c2c862ed9071fa390e77199151fc9b2afc1e58df1eca53d7191235777dfb180f docker://registry.f returned a non-0 exit code: 1 Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: [2024-03-16 19:39:11,765: ER ROR/ForkPoolWorker-16] b'Getting image list signatures\nCopying 2 images generated from 2 images in li st\nCopying image sha256:a13ae0213f0766f75c638b0fc402b8c0881c567cc819f542eb937ba0ad222f0a (1/2)\n' Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: b'time="2024-03-16T19:39:11Z " level=fatal msg="copying image 1/2 from manifest list: determining manifest MIME type for docker://c f1eca53d7191235777dfb180f: reading manifest sha256:a13ae0213f0766f75c638b0fc402b8c0881c567cc819f542eb9 37ba0ad222f0a in manifest unknown"\n' Mar 16 19:39:11 celery-3[2480095]: [2024-03-16 19:39:11,765: ER ROR/ForkPoolWorker-16] Exception in ComposerThread(f38-flatpak-updates-testing)
I have to get some f40 stable updates pushed, so I'm gonna revoke this and we can sort it out and push again...
This update has been submitted for testing by kevin.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
This update has been pushed to stable.
Please login to add feedback.
Confirm request to re-trigger tests.
This update has been submitted for testing by yselkowitz.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
Something strange is going on with this:
I have to get some f40 stable updates pushed, so I'm gonna revoke this and we can sort it out and push again...
This update has been submitted for testing by kevin.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
This update has been pushed to stable.