To set up Rho, you create profiles that control how to run each scan. - Authentication profiles contain user credentials for a user with sufficient authority to complete the scan (for example, a root user or one with root-level access obtained through -sudo privilege escalation). - Network profiles contain network identifiers (for example, a hostname, IP address, or range of IP addresses) and the authentication profiles to be used for a scan.
Complete the following steps, repeating them as necessary to access all parts of your environment that you want to scan: 1. Create at least one authentication profile with root-level access to Rho:
rho auth add --name auth_name --username root_name(--sshkeyfile key_file | --password)
a. At the Rho vault password prompt, create a new Rho vault password. This password is required to access the encrypted Rho data, such as authentication and network profiles, scan data, and other information.
b. If you did not use the sshkeyfile option to provide an SSH key for the username value, enter the password of the user with root-level access at the connection password prompt. For example, for an authentication profile where the authentication profile name is roothost1, the user with root-level access is root, and the SSH key for the user is in the path ~/.ssh/id_rsa, you would enter the following command:
rho auth add --name roothost1 --username root --sshkeyfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
You can also use the sudo-password option to create an authentication profile for a user with root-level access who requires a password to obtain this privilege. You can use the sudo-password option with either the sshkeyfile or the password option. For example, for an authentication profile where the authentication profile name is sudouser1, the user with root-level access is sysadmin, and the access is obtained through the password option, you would enter the following command:
rho auth add --name sudouser1 --username sysadmin --password --sudo-password
After you enter this command, you are prompted to enter two passwords. First, you would enter the connection password for the username user, and then you would enter the password for the sudo command.
rho profile add --name profile_name --hosts host_name_or_file --auth auth_name
For example, for a network profile where the name of the network profile is mynetwork, the network to be scanned is the subnet, and the authentication profiles that are used to run the scan are roothost1 and roothost2, you would enter the following command:
rho profile add --name mynetwork --hosts 192.0.2.[1:254] --auth roothost1 roothost2
You can also use a file to pass in the network identifiers. If you use a file to enter multiple network identifiers, such as multiple individual IP addresses, enter each on a single line. For example, for a network profile where the path to this file is /home/user1/hosts_file, you would enter the following command:
rho profile add --name mynetwork --hosts /home/user1/hosts_file --auth roothost1 roothost2
Run the scan by using the scan command, specifying a network profile for the profile option and a location to store the output as a file in the comma-separated variables (CSV) format for the reportfile option:
rho scan --profile profile_name --reportfile filename.csv
For example, if you want to use the network profile mynetwork and save the report as mynetwork_scan1.csv, you would enter the following command:
rho scan --profile mynetwork --reportfile mynetwork_scan1.csv
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This update has been submitted for testing by chambridge.
This update has been pushed to testing.
I can't +1 this because it is broken for python 2.6 which is what RHEL 6 ships with (code contains dict comprehension)
FIled bug here:
This update has been obsoleted by rho-0.0.31-2.el6.