Please note that this update will break
haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0-36.el7.x86_64, which requires cabal-install =
0: The haskell-platform package would need to be updated as well.
petersen has edited this update. New build(s): haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0-39.el7.
This update has been submitted for testing by petersen.
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora EPEL 7 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
Please note that this update will break haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0-36.el7.x86_64, which requires cabal-install = 0: The haskell-platform package would need to be updated as well.
petersen has edited this update. New build(s): haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0-39.el7.
This update has been submitted for testing by petersen.
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora EPEL 7 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
This update has reached 14 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
Looks okay to me
This update has been submitted for stable by petersen.
This update has been pushed to stable