issues with modrdn with attribute uniqueness and referential integrity rebase to to pick up several crash + security fixes crash bug with multiple transactions and range searches Ticket #331 - transaction errors with db 4.3 and db 4.2 Ticket #305 - Certain CMP operations hang or cause ns-slapd to crash fix cos crash - address some valgrind issues - fix kernel version checking fix tombstone crash - fix TLS - fix defaultNamingContext The release - a couple of bug fixes coverity fixes - valgrind issues - schema repl - ruv tombstone - nsMatchingRule - account policy fixes - entryrdn improvements Ticket #272 - add tombstonenumsubordinates to schema the 389-ds-base 1.2.10.a7 release - several bug fixes - fixes for systemd fix shutdown crash - fix systemd - entryusn fix - csn improvements Bug fixes for setup -u, coverity, modrdn 100% cpu, entryusn, referint txn fix config del/add mods - memberof is transaction aware resource limits for simple paged results slapi_rwlock - transactions - account usability - bug fixes Fix for managed entry Fixed source tarball fix transaction support in ldbm_delete Ticket #294 - 389 DS Segfaults during replica install in FreeIPA typo in previous patch Trac Ticket 396 - Account Usability Control Not Working
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0 | 0 | Test Case 389 ds base setup testcase |
0 | 0 | Test Case Create normalized dn cache testcase |
0 | 0 | Test Case Create normalized dn cache testcase2 |
This update has been submitted for testing by rmeggins.
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora EPEL 5 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
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