This package seems to have been added to base RHEL6. I am going to unpush this
update. Can you follow the package end of life process for the el6 branch?
Due to the age of this package, it should not be added to EPEL. If you feel this package should still be in EPEL, please rebuilt it and submit another update request.
This update has been submitted for testing by jhladky.
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora EPEL 6 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
This package seems to have been added to base RHEL6. I am going to unpush this update. Can you follow the package end of life process for the el6 branch?
This update has been unpushed
Hello, my fault, I will mark hwloc for EPEL6 EOL. Do I need anything else than running fedpkg retire MSG in el6 branch of hwloc? Thanks Jirka
Use the process at
Due to the age of this package, it should not be added to EPEL. If you feel this package should still be in EPEL, please rebuilt it and submit another update request.
This update has been obsoleted.