Ran into a problem with password policies. Using v1.2.5rc3. Seems that setting
passwordminlength is being taken literally for the storage of the password.
If minlen is set to 6 a 10 char password is truncated to 6 chars as being valid.
If minlen is set to 8 then 8 chars are taken as being valid. Example:
Password = "My Password" (11 Chars) passwordminlength set to 6 Entering "My
Pas" allows access Entering "My Password" allows access Entering "My Pa"
invalid credentials Without changing the password... passwordminlength set
to 8 Entering "My Passw" allows access Entering "My Password" allows access
Entering "My Pass" invalid credentials. Bob Kong
karma: -1
This update has been obsoleted by 389-ds-base-1.2.6-0.8.rc3.el5
This update has been submitted for testing
This update has been pushed to testing
Ran into a problem with password policies. Using v1.2.5rc3. Seems that setting passwordminlength is being taken literally for the storage of the password. If minlen is set to 6 a 10 char password is truncated to 6 chars as being valid. If minlen is set to 8 then 8 chars are taken as being valid. Example: Password = "My Password" (11 Chars) passwordminlength set to 6 Entering "My Pas" allows access Entering "My Password" allows access Entering "My Pa" invalid credentials Without changing the password... passwordminlength set to 8 Entering "My Passw" allows access Entering "My Password" allows access Entering "My Pass" invalid credentials. Bob Kong
karma: -1
This update has been obsoleted by 389-ds-base-1.2.6-0.8.rc3.el5