Update to 1.6.10.
Embedded HDF5 Library Settings Information
Library settings are now embedded in an HDF5 executable so that an “orphaned” executable can be queried (via the Unix strings command, for example) to display the library settings used to build it. The embedded settings information is the same as that normally found in the libhdf5.settings file.
This capability may be disabled with the use of the --disable-embedded-libinfo flag during configure.
Function with Changed Interface or Behavior
H5check_version now displays embedded library information (see above) if a version mismatch is detected.
The function has also been changed to suppress the warning message entirely if $HDF5_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK is set to 2 or higher.
New C++ Member Functions
New C++ member functions are provided to determine a dataset’s or attribute’s data size in memory:
size_t DataSet::getInMemDataSize() const size_t Attribute::getInMemDataSize() const
The size in each case is in bytes.
Tool with Changed Interface or Behavior
h5diff has one new option:
With this option, h5diff returns a difference if and only if the difference between two data values exceeds the system value for epsilon (that is, if |a-b| > epsilon).
The tool’s default behavior has also changed; without this option, the tool now checks for strict equality.
This option has no short form.
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