Automatic update for selinux-policy-37.6-1.fc37.
* Wed Jun 29 2022 Zdenek Pytela <> - 37.6-1
- Allow stalld set scheduling policy of kernel threads
- Allow targetclid read /var/target files
- Allow targetclid read generic SSL certificates (fixed)
- Allow firewalld read the contents of the sysfs filesystem
- Fix file context pattern for /var/target
- Use insights_client_etc_t in insights_search_config()
- Allow nm-dispatcher ddclient plugin handle systemd services
- Allow nm-dispatcher winbind plugin run smbcontrol
- Allow nm-dispatcher custom plugin create and use unix dgram socket
- Update samba-dcerpcd policy for kerberos usage 2
- Allow keepalived read the contents of the sysfs filesystem
- Allow amandad read network sysctls
- Allow cups-lpd read network sysctls
- Allow kpropd read network sysctls
- Update insights_client_filetrans_named_content()
- Allow rabbitmq to use systemd notify
- Label /var/target with targetd_var_t
- Allow targetclid read generic SSL certificates
- Update rhcd policy
- Allow rhcd search insights configuration directories
- Add the kernel_read_proc_files() interface
- Require policycoreutils >= 3.4-1
- Add a script for enclosing interfaces in ifndef statements
- Disable rpm verification on interface_info
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2022-86eb2caf0e
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This update was automatically created
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi