
wine-7.10-2.fc36 and wine-mono-7.3.0-1.fc36

FEDORA-2022-3c1589de06 created by mooninite 2 years ago for Fedora 36
  • macOS driver converted to PE.
  • Mono engine updated to version 7.3.0.
  • Windows-compatible Unicode collation.
  • Wow64 support in SECUR32.
  • Various bug fixes.

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2022-3c1589de06

This update has been submitted for testing by mooninite.

2 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

2 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

2 years ago
User Icon quppa commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Clipboard bug fixed.

BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
BZ#2093667 Paste from the main clipboard doesn't work anymore
Test Case wine apps
User Icon ahmedalmeleh commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Update Fixed Clipboard bug. The Wine apps testcase passed for notepad and wine iexplore but not for wordpad. (wine wordpad)

The error I got is as follows: 002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk wine-staging 7.10 is a testing version containing experimental patches. 002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on 007c:fixme:wineusb:add_usb_device Interface 1 has 6 alternate settings; using the first one. 008c:fixme:wineusb:add_usb_device Interface 1 has 6 alternate settings; using the first one. Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.

BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
BZ#2093667 Paste from the main clipboard doesn't work anymore
Test Case wine apps

This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

2 years ago
User Icon drepetto commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Works for me, except wine wordpad, which is broken.

This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.

2 years ago
User Icon drepetto commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Works for me, except wine wordpad, which is broken.

BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
BZ#2093667 Paste from the main clipboard doesn't work anymore
Test Case wine apps
User Icon pawef9 provided feedback 2 years ago
User Icon pawef9 provided feedback 2 years ago
BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
Test Case wine apps
User Icon quppa commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Same deal regarding wordpad here. My usual programs - foobar2000, Mp3tag and Adobe DNG Converter - are fine.

BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
BZ#2093667 Paste from the main clipboard doesn't work anymore
Test Case wine apps
User Icon mooninite commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

I am unable to reproduce an error with wordpad. It runs here. Please try a fresh WINEPREFIX.

$ WINEPREFIX=~/fresh wine /usr/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/wordpad.exe

This update has been pushed to stable.

2 years ago
User Icon quppa commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

@mooninite I can repro the Wordpad error with a fresh WINEPREFIX. I see: Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x000000000000000c in 64-bit code (0x007fd345d68cfb).

=>0 0x007fd345d68cfb in (+0x55cfb) (0x0000000000000d)
  1 0x007fd345d6d8cb in (+0x5a8cb) (0x0000000021bbf0)
  2 0x007fd346a4f764 in (+0x8d764) (0x0000000021beb0)
  3 0x0000037561b897 NtGdiExtTextOutW+0x57(hdc=<internal error>, x=<internal error>, y=<internal error>, flags=<internal error>, rect=000000000021CA60, str=L"File", count=0x4, dx=0x00000000000000000, cp=0) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\win32u\wrappers.c:191] in win32u (0x00000000000004)
  4 0x0000026b4e54c4 ExtTextOutW+0x174(hdc=0000000017010050, x=0xa, y=0x1b, flags=0x1004, rect=000000000021CA60, str=L"File", count=0x4, dx=0x00000000000000000) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\gdi32\text.c:961] in gdi32 (0x00000000000004)
  5 0x0000023d8838b5 DrawTextExW+0x1615(hdc=0000000017010050, str=L"&File", i_count=<is not available>, rect=000000000021CA60, flags=0x25, dtp=000000000021C9A0) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\text.c:1009] in user32 (0x00000017010050)
  6 0x0000023d88423e DrawTextW+0x4e(hdc=<internal error>, str=<internal error>, count=<internal error>, rect=<internal error>, flags=<is not available>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\text.c:1162] in user32 (0x00000000000025)
  7 0x0000023d8653ad MENU_DrawMenuItem+0x50d(hwnd=<internal error>, menu=<internal error>, hwndOwner=0000000000060092, hdc=0000000017010050, lpitem=000000007EE1BB20, menuBar=0x1, odaction=0x1) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\menu.c:1677] in user32 (0x00000000000025)
  8 0x0000023d86aadb DrawMenuBarTemp+0x13b(hwnd=0000000000060092, hDC=0000000017010050, lprect=<internal error>, hMenu=<is not available>, hFont=00000000040A0054) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\menu.c:4108] in user32 (0x0000000021cc90)
  9 0x0000023d86ac78 MENU_DrawMenuBar+0x58(hDC=0000000017010050, lprect=000000000021CED0, hwnd=0000000000060092) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\menu.c:1791] in user32 (0x0000000021cc90)
  10 0x0000023d873eb0 NC_DoNCPaint+0x570(hwnd=0000000000060092, clip=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\nonclient.c:1050] in user32 (0x0000000021cc90)
  11 0x0000023d874470 NC_HandleNCActivate+0x50(hwnd=0000000000060092, wParam=<internal error>, lParam=0) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\nonclient.c:1122] in user32 (0x00000000060092)
  12 0x0000023d84144b DefWindowProcW+0x12b(hwnd=0000000000060092, msg=0x86, wParam=0, lParam=0) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\defwnd.c:830] in user32 (0x00000000060092)
  13 0x00000140009156 WndProc+0x4f6(hWnd=0000000000060092, msg=<is not available>, wParam=0, lParam=0) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\programs\wordpad\wordpad.c:2802] in wordpad (0x00000140008c60)
  14 0x0000023d89044a call_window_proc+0x4a(hwnd=0000000000060092, msg=0x86, wp=0, lp=0, result=000000000021DF58, arg=0000000140008C60) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:143] in user32 (0x00000140008c60)
  15 0x0000023d8925b8 dispatch_win_proc_params+0x118(params=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:805] in user32 (0x0000000021def0)
  16 0x0000023d8928e5 User32CallWindowProc+0x205(params=000000000021DFB0, size=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:1276] in user32 (0x0000000021def0)
  17 0x007fd354702320 in (+0x46320) (0x0000000021def0)
  18 0x007fd346a6d6fe in (+0xab6fe) (0x00000000000001)
  19 0x007fd346a6e9ff in (+0xac9ff) (0x0000000021e128)
  20 0x007fd346a6ec1a in (+0xacc1a) (0x00000000000001)
  21 0x007fd346a65256 in (+0xa3256) (0x00000000000001)
  22 0x007fd346a65706 in (+0xa3706) (0x0000000021e400)
  23 0x0000037561dac6 NtUserSetFocus+0x16(hwnd=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\win32u\wrappers.c:1192] in win32u (0x0000000021e590)
  24 0x0000014000a084 OnCreate+0xeb4(hWnd=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\programs\wordpad\wordpad.c:2033] in wordpad (0x0000000021e590)
  25 0x0000014000a084 WndProc+0x1424(hWnd=<register R12 not accessible in this frame>, msg=<internal error>, wParam=<internal error>, lParam=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\programs\wordpad\wordpad.c:2782] in wordpad (0x0000000021e590)
  26 0x0000023d89044a call_window_proc+0x4a(hwnd=<register RBX not accessible in this frame>, msg=<register R15 not accessible in this frame>, wp=<register RSI not accessible in this frame>, lp=<register RDI not accessible in this frame>, result=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, arg=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:143] in user32 (0x00000140008c60)
  27 0x0000023d8925b8 dispatch_win_proc_params+0x118(params=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:805] in user32 (0x0000000021f110)
  28 0x0000023d8928e5 User32CallWindowProc+0x205(params=<register R12 not accessible in this frame>, size=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\winproc.c:1276] in user32 (0x0000000021f110)
  29 0x007fd354702320 in (+0x46320) (0x0000000021f110)
  30 0x007fd346a6d6fe in (+0xab6fe) (0x00000000000001)
  31 0x007fd346a6e9ff in (+0xac9ff) (0x0000000021f378)
  32 0x007fd346a6e630 in (+0xac630) (0x0000000021f4a0)
  33 0x007fd346aa2577 in (+0xe0577) (0x0000000021f790)
  34 0x0000037561cf39 NtUserCreateWindowEx+0xc9(ex_style=<internal error>, class_name=<internal error>, version=<internal error>, window_name=<internal error>, style=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, x=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, y=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, width=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, height=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, parent=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, menu=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, instance=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, params=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, flags=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, cbtc=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, unk=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, ansi=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\win32u\wrappers.c:823] in win32u (0x00000000000001)
  35 0x0000023d88c5f7 WIN_CreateWindowEx+0x407(cs=<register RBX not accessible in this frame>, className=<internal error>, module=<register RSI not accessible in this frame>, unicode=<register RBP not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\win.c:646] in user32 (0x00000000000001)
  36 0x0000023d88a44f CreateWindowExW+0x97(exStyle=<internal error>, className=<internal error>, windowName=<internal error>, style=<internal error>, x=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, y=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, width=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, height=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, parent=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, menu=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, instance=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, data=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\user32\win.c:713] in user32 (0000000000000000)
  37 0x0000014000c3a1 WinMain+0x291(hInstance=<register R12 not accessible in this frame>, hOldInstance=<internal error>, szCmdParagraph=<internal error>, nCmdShow=<register R13 not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\programs\wordpad\wordpad.c:2870] in wordpad (0000000000000000)
  38 0x0000014000d866 main+0xa6(argc=<internal error>, argv=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\msvcrt\crt_winmain.c:54] in wordpad (0000000000000000)
  39 0x0000014000d695 mainCRTStartup+0x65() [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\msvcrt\crt_main.c:58] in wordpad (0000000000000000)
  40 0x0000007b628f49 BaseThreadInitThunk+0x9(unknown=<internal error>, entry=<internal error>, arg=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\kernel32\thread.c:61] in kernel32 (0000000000000000)
  41 0x0000017005cdc3 __wine_pop_frame(unknown=<internal error>, entry=<internal error>, arg=<internal error>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\include\wine\exception.h:273] in ntdll (0000000000000000)
  42 0x0000017005cdc3 RtlUserThreadStart+0x83(entry=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>, arg=[<register RSP not accessible in this frame>) [Z:\builddir\build\BUILD\wine-7.10\dlls\ntdll\thread.c:240] in ntdll (0000000000000000)
User Icon mooninite commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Please file a bug upstream. This is not a proper bug tracking system.

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Autopush Settings
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
7 days
2 years ago
in testing
2 years ago
in stable
2 years ago
BZ#2093492 wine-7.10 is available
BZ#2093667 Paste from the main clipboard doesn't work anymore

Automated Test Results

Test Cases

-3 0 Test Case wine apps