2019-04-10 David Freese w1hkj@bellsouth.net
055bbbc: Xmlrpc Rig control
c04d2c5: notifier dialog
2f24966: wfall only tests
c2dd5f8: waterfall process
2dcd586: Language update
07f3b66: Documentation update
6fa7cb8: N3FJP ACL
791f084: CQzone
4670875: trx_xmit_wfall_draw
933f6b8: Log rotation
5c6d04e: Secure METAR
6b86a02: lgbook File:
2ca145a: qrz malloc
1593939: Rx Panel clicking
ef4ecf3: myCall
5224d09: QTE-QRB
7944d44: Olivia modes
6dfac39: logbook-backups
43a4c74: ARQ server
aeb0ff4: fllog eQSL/LoTW
d756b06: XmlRpc Log Dup Check
db20208: flrig ptt
b01c3b6: DxCluster/N3FJP i/o
22735f4: eQSL / LoTW submission
a0bd33b: mbedtls CFLAGS
590181b: lookup call
c29f732: MODE export
582f98b: flarq socket
ef6456f: eQSL export
f15f71c: tod clock start
14c092d: ARQ socket i/o
4886d58: analysis mode
2019-04-10 David Freese w1hkj@bellsouth.net
afe2257: Start/Stop Progress
f9cd7e4: Trace start/exit
1ecc06f: New xmlrpc functions
1c2aa3f: TS890S
b7288a4: Icom filter table
2019-04-12 David Freese w1hkj@bellsouth.net
7048549: Documentation
51bab10: Miscellaneous changes
78056ce: EQSLSDATE
e3959e0: FMHELL
0bec1bc: Dup check/reverse
0b619bd: XmlRpc Server
dd4c423: eQSL/LoTW submit dates
4798954: Duplicates
a8a8b8b: New/Cancel
0416ba9: gm date/time
861ce93: Export ADIF
d155fb7: QSOdb structure
c70f852: nulog
e2ea153: OS X build scripts
f7372e4: Merge resort
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sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2019-5b6d9a1fa1
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This update has been submitted for testing by hobbes1069.
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hobbes1069 edited this update.
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Removed build(s):
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This update has been submitted for testing by hobbes1069.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for batched by hobbes1069.
This update has been submitted for stable by hobbes1069.
This update has been pushed to stable.