

FEDORA-2019-2d87433ac7 created by remi 5 years ago for Fedora 30

09 Mar 2019, Phan 1.2.6

New features (CLI,Configs)

  • Add config enable_extended_internal_return_type_plugins to more aggressively infer literal values for functions such as json_decode, strtolower, implode, etc. (disabled by default),
  • Make --dead-code-detection load UnreachableCodePlugin if that plugin isn't already loaded (#1824)
  • Add --automatic-fix to fix any issues Phan is capable of fixing (currently a prototype. Fixes are guessed based on line numbers). This is currently limited to:
  • unreferenced use statements on their own line (requires --dead-code-detection).
  • issues emitted by WhitespacePlugin (#2523)
  • unqualified global function calls/constant uses from namespaces (requires NotFullyQualifiedUsagePlugin) (will do the wrong thing for functions that are both global and in the same namespace)

New features (Analysis):

  • Make Phan infer more precise literal types for internal constants such as PHP_EOF. These depend on the PHP binary used to run Phan. In most cases, that shouldn't matter.
  • Emit PhanPluginPrintfVariableFormatString in PrintfCheckerPlugin if the inferred format string isn't a single literal (#2431)
  • Don't emit PhanWriteOnlyPrivateProperty with dead code detection when at least one assignment is by reference (#1658)
  • Allow a single hyphen between words in @suppress issue-name annotations (and @phan-suppress-next-line issue-name, etc.) (#2515) Note that CamelCase issue names are conventional for Phan and its plugins.
  • Emit PhanCompatibleAutoload when using function __autoload() {} instead of spl_autoload_register() {} (#2528)
  • Be more aggressive about inferring that the result is null when accessing array offsets that don't exist. (#2541)
  • Fix a false positive analyzing array_map when the closure has a dependent return type. (#2554)
  • Emit PhanNoopArrayAccess when an array field is fetched but not used (#2538)

Language Server/Daemon mode:

  • Fix an error in the language server on didChangeConfiguration
  • Show hover text of ancestors for class elements (methods, constants, and properties) when no summary is available for the class element. (#1945)


  • Don't exit if the AST version Phan uses (currently version 50) is deprecated by php-ast (#1134)


  • Write PhanSelfCheckPlugin for self-analysis of Phan and plugins for Phan. (#1576) This warns if too many/too few arguments are provided for the issue template when emitting an issue.
  • Add AutomaticFixCapability for plugins to provide fixes for issues for --automatic-fix (#2549)
  • Change issue messages for closures in UnknownElementTypePlugin (#2543)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix bug: --ignore-undeclared failed to properly ignore undeclared elements since 1.2.3 (#2502)
  • Fix false positive PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset for functions nested within other functions.
  • Support commas in the union types of parameters of magic methods (#2507)
  • Fix parsing ?(A|B|C) (#2551)

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2019-2d87433ac7

This update has been submitted for testing by remi.

5 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

5 years ago

This update has reached 3 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

5 years ago

This update has been submitted for batched by remi.

5 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.

5 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

5 years ago

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Test Gating
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
5 years ago
in testing
5 years ago
in stable
5 years ago

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