

FEDORA-2017-bdb0a4deec created by siwinski 7 years ago for Fedora 25

1.6.0 - 2017-09-13


  • Nothing.


  • #270 changes the behavior of Zend\Diactoros\Server: it no longer creates an output buffer.

  • #270 changes the behavior of the two SAPI emitters in two backwards-incompatible ways:

  • They no longer auto-inject a Content-Length header. If you need this functionality, zendframework/zend-expressive-helpers 4.1+ provides it via Zend\Expressive\Helper\ContentLengthMiddleware.

  • They no longer flush the output buffer. Instead, if headers have been sent, or the output buffer exists and has a non-zero length, the emitters raise an exception, as mixed PSR-7/output buffer content creates a blocking issue. If you are emitting content via echo, print, var_dump, etc., or not catching PHP errors or exceptions, you will need to either fix your application to always work with a PSR-7 response, or provide your own emitters that allow mixed output mechanisms.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.

1.5.0 - 2017-08-22


  • #205 adds support for PHP 7.2.

  • #250 adds a new API to JsonResponse to avoid the need for decoding the response body in order to make changes to the underlying content. New methods include:

  • getPayload(): retrieve the unencoded payload.
  • withPayload($data): create a new instance with the given data.
  • getEncodingOptions(): retrieve the flags to use when encoding the payload to JSON.
  • withEncodingOptions(int $encodingOptions): create a new instance that uses the provided flags when encoding the payload to JSON.


  • #249 changes the behavior of the various Uri::with*() methods slightly: if the value represents no change, these methods will return the same instance instead of a new one.

  • #248 changes the behavior of Uri::getUserInfo() slightly: it now (correctly) returns the percent-encoded values for the user and/or password, per RFC 3986 Section 3.2.1. withUserInfo() will percent-encode values, using a mechanism that prevents double-encoding.

  • #243 changes the exception messages thrown by UploadedFile::getStream() and moveTo() when an upload error exists to include details about the upload error.

  • #233 adds a new argument to SapiStreamEmitter::emit, $maxBufferLevel between the $response and $maxBufferLength arguments. This was done because the Server::listen() method passes only the response and $maxBufferLevel to emitters; previously, this often meant that streams were being chunked 2 bytes at a time versus the expected default of 8kb.

If you were calling the SapiStreamEmitter::emit() method manually previously, you will need to update your code.


  • Nothing.


  • #205 and #243 remove support for PHP versions prior to 5.6 as well as HHVM.


  • #248 fixes how the Uri class provides user-info within the URI authority; the value is now correctly percent-encoded , per RFC 3986 Section 3.2.1.

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-bdb0a4deec

This update has been submitted for testing by siwinski.

7 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

7 years ago

This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

7 years ago

This update has been submitted for batched by siwinski.

7 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by siwinski.

7 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

7 years ago

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Test Gating
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
7 years ago
in testing
7 years ago
in stable
7 years ago
BZ#1491486 php-zendframework-zend-diactoros-1.6.0 is available

Automated Test Results