Fixed counter-intuitive user-link, redundant webhook build invocation for Tito method, problem with stuck pending queue when pending build task exists for chroot no longer owned by the project in which the build was launched.
- Bug 1442047 - Regenerate action is not restricted to an owner of the project.
- redirect output of update_indexes_quick in cron into /dev/null
- validate fork name characters (RhBug: 1435123)
- Bug 1433508 - Half-cancelled builds are not deleted correctly.
- Add extra step for setting up GitHub Webhook
- add "buildroot" repository into generated build-config
- python3 compatibility fixes in frontend core
- correctly set repo and ref to point to our dist-git
- replace fedorahosted links
- replace no-longer working fedorahosted links with the pagure ones
Changes from the last released version copr-frontend 1.104-1:
- fix for python-flask-whooshee-0.4.1-2
- added alembic fedora revision to enable rawhide
- rename add_debug_user command to add_user
- show info about auto-createrepo only when disabled
- only require python2-flask-whooshee on f25+, require python-flask- whooshee otherwise
- proxyuser feature (RhBug: 1381574)
- allow setting proxy/no-proxy when altering user
- rewrite broken add_debug_user command
- add boolean proxy column to user table
- care only about packages in filter
- specify module components buildorder
- fill module rpm components
- separate schema and data (fedora) migrations
- update option descriptions in project settings page
- always show "Regenerate" button for recreating backend repodata
- ensure mock triplets are unique
- show a quick guide how to install 'dnf module' command
- add info what to do with modulemd
- allow to have multiple info lines per form field
- print info when there are no packages in a module
- suggest dnf to enable module
- make repo filter support group coprs for copr:// scheme
- move creation of copr-frontend-devel macro definition file from %%check to %%install
- handle GitHub tag event webhooks
- change dependency from python-flask-whooshee to python2-flask-whooshee
- fix package icon for group projects (RhBug: 1403348)
- return proper error when module not found
- hide FAS groups for non-FAS deployments
- provide functional API url to renew token
- krb5 login
- new replaceable welcome.html template
- make FAS opt-out
- fix traceback when forking
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-ad8f2e354d
Please login to add feedback.
This update has been submitted for testing by clime.
This update has obsoleted copr-frontend-1.112-1.fc25, and has inherited its bugs and notes.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by clime.
This update has been pushed to stable.