

FEDORA-2017-9c9c0899f9 created by airlied 8 years ago for Fedora 25

Fix llvm 3.8 radeonsi tess bug (#1413888)

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-9c9c0899f9

This update has been submitted for testing by airlied.

8 years ago
User Icon vinumoses provided feedback 8 years ago
User Icon funfunctor commented & provided feedback 8 years ago


BZ#1413888 radeonsi GL_ARB_tessellation_shader regressed to broken
User Icon besser82 commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

Works great! LGTM! =)

User Icon cserpentis commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

works for me

User Icon nonamedotc commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

works for me

This update has been pushed to testing.

8 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.

8 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

8 years ago
User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

Broken dependencies. dnf update: Last metadata expiration check: 0:07:31 ago on Sun Jan 29 04:38:42 2017. Dependencies resolved. ============================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ============================================= Skipping packages with broken dependencies: mesa-libEGL x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 103 k mesa-libGL x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 164 k mesa-libGLES x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 21 k mesa-libOSMesa x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 1.9 M mesa-libglapi x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 49 k Transaction Summary ============================================= Skip 5 Packages

karma: -1

User Icon jwrdegoede commented & provided feedback 8 years ago


Thank you for reporting the broken deps, we know about this and are working on this.



User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago


... for a wonder :)

User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

i have unresolved deps:

dnf update

Letzte Prüfung auf abgelaufene Metadaten: vor 0:00:16 am Sun Jan 29 10:39:26 2017. Abhängigkeiten sind aufgelöst. ===================================================================================================================================================================== Package Arch Version Paketquelle Größe ===================================================================================================================================================================== Pakete mit nicht auflösbaren Abhängigkeiten werden übersprungen: mesa-libEGL x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 103 k mesa-libGL x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 164 k mesa-libGLES x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 21 k mesa-libglapi x86_64 13.0.3-4.fc25 updates 49 k


Überspringen 4 Pakete

karma: -1

User Icon pisto commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

similar issues with dependencies:

User Icon pisto commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

sorry, wrong karma.

User Icon jwrdegoede commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

If you're seeing broken deps because of this update, please add positive karma to:

The mesa and libglvnd updates were supposed to go out as a pair. But then airlied did another mesa update with an unrelated bug-fix and bodhi failed to squash the 2 updates together (a bodhi bug IMHO) and now mesa is in updates-stable while the matching libglvnd update is not.

User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

Please fix this. It breaks installations. In my case, mesa-libGL and mesa-libgl packages were downgraded and broke my X. Fedora workstation without working GUI renders a system unusable.

karma: -1

User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

Just want to remind folks you can work around the dnf upgrade issue by enabling the testing repo:

sudo dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing upgrade mesa*

Otherwise, LGTM

karma: +1

BZ#1413888 radeonsi GL_ARB_tessellation_shader regressed to broken
User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 8 years ago

Are there any consequences, when enabling the testing repo? I run on stable. What happens, when I install those packages from testing and later I want to update them form stable? There is no guarantee, I wont have dep conflicts using the work around mentioned above, right? How

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Autopush Settings
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
8 years ago
in testing
8 years ago
in stable
8 years ago
BZ#1413888 radeonsi GL_ARB_tessellation_shader regressed to broken

Automated Test Results