
nspr-4.16.0-1.fc26, nss-3.32.0-1.1.fc26, & 2 more

FEDORA-2017-3f11b3237a created by ueno 7 years ago for Fedora 26

Updates the nss family of packages to upstream NSS 3.32 and NSPR 4.16.

For details about new functionality and a list of bugs fixed in this release please see the upstream release notes

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-3f11b3237a

This update has been submitted for testing by ueno.

7 years ago
User Icon xenithorb provided feedback 7 years ago
BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available
User Icon onekopaka provided feedback 7 years ago
BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available

ueno edited this update.

New build(s):

  • nss-softokn-3.32.0-1.1.fc26

Removed build(s):

  • nss-softokn-3.32.0-1.0.fc26

Karma has been reset.

7 years ago
User Icon jayjayjazz commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Works. Is needed by Can we have a quick push to stable?

User Icon cserpentis commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

works for me, no regressions noted

User Icon anonymous commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

karma: +1

BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available
BZ#1479881 curl leaks memory after update of nss-softokn
User Icon elad provided feedback 7 years ago
BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available
BZ#1479881 curl leaks memory after update of nss-softokn

This update has been pushed to testing.

7 years ago
User Icon pwalter commented & provided feedback 7 years ago


User Icon chr77 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Works for me. No regressions noted compared to previous version.

User Icon samoht0 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

no regressions noted

User Icon bojan commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Haven't noticed any regressions.

User Icon besser82 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Works great! LGTM! =)

User Icon djuran commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

general functionality seem ok

User Icon dhgutteridge commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

No regressions noted.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

openQA testing indicates this update breaks FreeIPA:

On both runs of the FreeIPA server test, initial server deployment failed. Please do NOT push this stable yet.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

The problem seems to be that /usr/bin/signtool is no longer present in the nss-tools subpackage. The FreeIPA server install script expects this binary to be available, and dies when it isn't.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Looking at the spec, it seems that between 3.31 and 3.32, our packagers decided that signtool was "unsupported", meaning it's now installed to %{_libdir}/nss/unsupported-tools instead of /usr/bin. So it is actually still available, but not in the same location.

User Icon ueno commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Good catch. It was for, which is targeting F27. For F26 and F25, I will revert the change.

ueno edited this update.

New build(s):

  • nss-3.32.0-1.1.fc26
  • nss-softokn-3.32.0-1.2.fc26

Removed build(s):

  • nss-3.32.0-1.0.fc26
  • nss-softokn-3.32.0-1.1.fc26

Karma has been reset.

7 years ago

This update has been submitted for testing by ueno.

7 years ago
User Icon heikoada commented & provided feedback 7 years ago


This update has been pushed to testing.

7 years ago
User Icon jflory7 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

I noticed that the Firefox release in the stable repos is broken because it's missing this dependency. I updated to test this, subsequently updated to Firefox 55.0.2, and I'm not noticing any issues… probably a good idea to expedite this to stable as soon as possible, as I imagine a lot of people will have broken Firefox upgrades until this makes it in.

BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available
User Icon samoht0 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

no regressions noted

User Icon robatino commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Karma of +3 has reached the stable threshold, please either reenable Autopush or push to stable manually to fix the firefox broken dep ( ). Thanks.

User Icon renault commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Seems good

User Icon ueno commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

@robatino, no, we need a few more days for testing this update and afaik firefox 55 shouldn't require nspr 4.16. see:

I have no idea why this happened. There was actually a buildroot override pulling in nspr-4.16, but it only lasted one day.

User Icon c72578 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

sudo dnf update firefox
Problem: cannot install the best update candidate for package firefox-55.0.1-1.fc26.x86_64
- nothing provides nspr >= 4.16.0 needed by firefox-55.0.2-1.fc26.x86_64

User Icon jflory7 commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

@ueno I can also confirm the issue that @robatino and @c72578 noticed with the broken Firefox update… not sure how it happened, but might be good to figure out what went wrong this time to prevent it from happening again in the future.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

This needs to be pushed stable ASAP. We cannot rewind the firefox update and broken deps in updates are unacceptable.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

@ueno the firefox build was done at Fri, 18 Aug 2017 08:48:28 UTC , which looks like exactly around when you submitted the buildroot override. It also looks like @stransky has just submitted another firefox update which is built back against nspr 4.15.0 again: . So if that gets karma'ed and pushed rapidly, it should solve the problem.

This update has been submitted for stable by ausil.

7 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

7 years ago
User Icon stransky commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Please add this Firefox build to this update - it should go out with nspr 4.16:

User Icon stransky commented & provided feedback 7 years ago

Ah, I see it's already stable so I'll submit the FF update.

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Autopush Settings
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
7 years ago
in testing
7 years ago
in stable
7 years ago
7 years ago
BZ#1476051 nss-3.32 is available
BZ#1479881 curl leaks memory after update of nss-softokn
BZ#1481758 Portion missing from sym key derive mechanism patch

Automated Test Results