#1410896: depend on python-flake8
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This update has been submitted for testing by ttrinks.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Works, also python2-flake8 gets install with package itself
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
Works for me.
This update has been pushed to stable.
I cannot get this to install at all:
$ sudo dnf install ansible-review --enablerepo=updates-testing Last metadata expiration check: 0:16:47 ago on Thu Jan 26 09:46:50 2017. Error: nothing provides python-appdirs needed by ansible-review-0.13.0-2.fc25.noarch (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages)
I have done a yum clean all and tried repeatedly. I find that as I start manually installing python-appdirs, it requires even more that are not in repos:
After I install python-appdirs (not in repos) I get: Error: nothing provides python2-unidiff needed by ansible-review-0.13.0-2.fc25.noarch
Then I locate and install python{2|3}-unidiff and I then get this error:
Error: nothing provides pyflakes >= 0.8.1 needed by python2-flake8-2.5.5-3.fc25.noarch
Next I find (again not in fedora/fusion repos) python2-pyflakes and now I get this error:
Error: nothing provides python-mccabe >= 0.2.1 needed by python2-flake8-2.5.5-3.fc25.noarch
I was never able to find this package in repos or anywhere else so I finally had to remove all I just manually installed and back out.
END RESULT: Never could install this package