I modified the source rpm to include the fix. I added the file octave-term.patch under the SOURCES directory and modified the octave.spec file to apply the new patch during the prep process. I believe I added two lines to the spec excluding comments.
This update has been submitted for testing by orion.
This update has been pushed to testing.
fixes the gnuplot pdf black background issue
orion edited this update.
I reported a bug upstream and it was fixed but not in time for 4.0.1. It's a simple one liner fix:
I also reported it in bugzilla:
I modified the source rpm to include the fix. I added the file octave-term.patch under the SOURCES directory and modified the octave.spec file to apply the new patch during the prep process. I believe I added two lines to the spec excluding comments.
Both files have been uploaded to
This update has been obsoleted by octave-4.0.1-6.fc23.