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sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2016-e3864b8972
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This update has been submitted for testing by lvrabec.
This update has obsoleted selinux-policy-3.13.1-225.fc25, and has inherited its bugs and notes.
Fixed #1400565 for me, no regressions noted.
Addresses #1400565 for me, no regressions noted.
Seems fine here, addresses mail AVCs.
I'm still seeing the same problems when attempting to start guests with virt-manager.
@inode0: it might help if you added any particulars about your setup to #1400565. This update definitely fixed the issue for me, so there must be something different about your environment.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Fixes postfix log problem.
@dhgutteridge: My apologies. I thought I had updated to 225.1 but I had reinstalled 225 instead. I've updated to 22.5.1 now and everything is working fine. Sorry about the mistaken report.
Works for me.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
works for me
I can confirm the following bugs have been fixed and I do have proper output in my journalctl for postfix again!
1383867 SELinux is preventing pickup from 'read' accesses on the lnk_file log.
1398007 postfix: no log entries for sent mails
I have downloaded the files with koji-util ( package ) since it wasn't on the mirrors for me yet.
And did a local dnf update of my selinux-policy-3.13.1-225.1.fc25 and selinux-policy-targeted.3.13.1-225.1.fc25 rpm's
( I have to note, on my first try I had some problems, and my system wasn't able to boot properly after updating these packages! ( it hang on the targeted policies during ), I disabled selinux in /etc/selinux/config, rebooted again, booted up fine, did a rollback to the older packages, set it to Enforcing selinux again, rebooted ( causing a relabel since I set it to Enforcing ) updated the same packages again, rebooted and all was fine! ). Can't reproduce this again since my second try was fine.... the package fixes the problem.
With this update I still see problems with issue #1400565 when creating new VM!
This update has been pushed to stable.
@evanberkum: you should report any issues with creating a new VM as a new bug report. I was unable to duplicate that problem while testing the newer update