After installing this update it is required that you logout of
your current user session and log back in to ensure the changes
supplied by this update are applied properly.
This update has been submitted for testing by stransky.
Appears to work well. The language seems to have actually remained configured to my preference after the update, which is new, but maybe that's just coincidental.
I found that ublock and umatrix disappeared from my URL bar until I disabled and re-enabled them, but after that they appear to be working fine. I'd give half a karma if I could.
Firefox is completely english even system locale is german. Tabgroups addon is gone from URL bar until disabled and enabled. But that only works until next restart of firefox.
This update has been submitted for testing by stransky.
Firefox is completely in English now (LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8).
Also AdBlock stopped working (downloaded from amo, not from Fedora).
Appears to work well. The language seems to have actually remained configured to my preference after the update, which is new, but maybe that's just coincidental.
I found that ublock and umatrix disappeared from my URL bar until I disabled and re-enabled them, but after that they appear to be working fine. I'd give half a karma if I could.
I'm an idiot and clicked all of the negative boxes instead of the positive ones.
Firefox is completely english even system locale is german. Tabgroups addon is gone from URL bar until disabled and enabled. But that only works until next restart of firefox.
Yes, the langpacks are broken. I'll create a new packages for that.
Third problem I just noticed: shows no support for H.264, even though it was supported on 45.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has been obsoleted by firefox-46.0-4.fc24.