Add weak dependency for python2-dnf
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sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2016-a1ad1a4378
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This update has been submitted for testing by till.
bullshit - pulls "python-hawkey, python-libcomps, python-librepo, python2-dnf" and after the update you can remove them again, writing this comment with fedora-easy.-karma - do we now have python3 as default or do we not?
@hreindl add install_weak_deps=False into your /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file, you will get old behaviour.
but what's the point to add a useless weak-dep pulling again python2 stuff while it works without?
@hreindl dnf replaces yum as default package manager, since Fedora 22, but you may know. What's your concrete question? Please use the linked bug for any concerns to revert that feature.
Side note: Yum does not get installed by default, since Fedora 23.
@raphgro: WTF do you talking about - i likely know fedora better than many others - what has yum to do with "dnf update localdownload.rpm" pulling python2 stuff for fedora-easy-karma
off-topic: if DNF would become somehow useable and offer the capabilities of yum-utils people could stop to install yum and yum-utils on their systems
LGTM, still.
Works fine here
works for me
This update has been pushed to testing.
works for me
no regressions noted here
It works perfectly.
works fine for me
all fine here.
Works :-)
Works for me.
Look Good to Me
Works fine
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
Seems to work
Works for me
works here.
no issues with submitting karma
apparently works here
Works for me!
Giving karma with it, so I guess it's working.
working here
Fedora Easy Karma is my prefered methad
using it right now...
working fine for me right now :)
seems to work ok here
working right now from cli
This update has been submitted for stable by till.
till edited this update.
This update has been pushed to stable.