fedfind 3.1 changes how fedfind handles metadata for composes which were originally created by Pungi 4 and had real metadata, but were then modified in some ways and had their metadata removed. This includes milestone and stable releases for Fedora 24 and later: when these are placed in their 'final' locations on the mirrors, some contents are split into different locations and some deliverables are removed. Previously, fedfind would simply synthesize metadata for these composes, as it does for pre-Pungi 4 composes. Now, it first attempts to find the original metadata (from PDC) and adjust it for the modified image locations, while preserving all the other image attributes from the original metadata (including ones it could not synthesize). It will only fall back to synthesizing the metadata if it cannot find corresponding metadata from PDC. The practical result of this is that you should get more reliable and complete metadata for these composes.
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2016-02e08ebdda
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