Works for me. Some nice UI-Design changes.
Had some gfx-glitches (window-bar). Removing $HOME/.cache/plasma* solved the issue.
Breeze cursor theme OK here.
Besides missing breeze cursor theme (also missing in system settings) and few visual task bar glitches at the beginning (glitches disappeared after few restarts), smooth update for me :)
Yes, indeed: breeze-icon-theme-5.16.0-1.fc22 breaks this. Forgot to upgrade this single package before my comment. Downgrade to breeze-icon-theme-5.4.3-2.fc22 works. Likely a problem with new version-numbering?
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
This update has been submitted for testing by dvratil.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Breeze cursor themes disappeared
Works for me. Some nice UI-Design changes. Had some gfx-glitches (window-bar). Removing $HOME/.cache/plasma* solved the issue. Breeze cursor theme OK here.
karma: +1
Besides missing breeze cursor theme (also missing in system settings) and few visual task bar glitches at the beginning (glitches disappeared after few restarts), smooth update for me :)
Working fine for me. Breeze cursor theme also missing in my case.
Yes, indeed: breeze-icon-theme-5.16.0-1.fc22 breaks this. Forgot to upgrade this single package before my comment. Downgrade to breeze-icon-theme-5.4.3-2.fc22 works. Likely a problem with new version-numbering?
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
no regressions noted
Taskotron: upgradepath test FAILED on noarch. Result log: (results are informative only)
Not sure if it's the Plasma Workspace update or KF5 but Wifi no longer works:
This update has been pushed to stable.