Update to the upstream NSS 3.19 release.
The SSL 3 protocol has been disabled by default. This release includes several notable changes related to the TLS protocol.
For the full list of changes in this update please refer to: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/NSS_3.19_release_notes
Please login to add feedback.
This update has been submitted for testing by kengert.
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/71950/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/71950/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
works for me
Critical path update approved
This update has been obsoleted by https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/nss-3.19.1-1.0.fc21