I'm not going to give you negative karma but please, don't just add all the open
bugs if there was nothing done about them. Still affected by #1193063.
Well, it seems to work. But the configuration file syntax changed (again), so
I'm not sure if it is a good idea to push this update to stable releases.
This update has been submitted for testing by fab.
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/56192/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/56192/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 testing updates repository.
I'm not going to give you negative karma but please, don't just add all the open bugs if there was nothing done about them. Still affected by #1193063.
This update has been pushed to testing
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
Well, it seems to work. But the configuration file syntax changed (again), so I'm not sure if it is a good idea to push this update to stable releases.
works, given the config file syntax change.
This update has been submitted for stable by fab.
Taskotron: upgradepath test PASSED on noarch. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/70269/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/70270/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/70270/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 stable updates repository.
This update has been pushed to stable