replaced with pipewire-0.3.29-2.fc34
This update has been unpushed.
The config files are now moved to /usr/share, please restart apps (mostly gnome-shell) to let them pick up new versions and config file locations.
This update has been unpushed.
Also make sure to port any custom modifications made to the config files to the new config files.
Contains a critical bug, fixed upstream here:
Will need a new build with patches.
This update has been unpushed.
bojan: check that you the latest versions of the config files
reveals a bug in kwin, will make a workaround
This update has been unpushed.
Thanks for testing. There was a problem in the upstream build with disabling the opencv plugin, so I enabled it, unaware that it would cause these dependencies. I'll move the opencv plugin into a separate subpackage, like the fluidsynth one, that is not installed by default.
This update has been unpushed.
The pulseaudio replacement is definitely not something to install by default and neither is the jack replacement. I only provided the packages for testing. How should I provide them but not have them be installed in the other installs?
Why is pulseaudio beta being submitted to a stable release?
This is an exception. There are serious issues with existing laptops (see bugs) and there is pressure to fix them in fedora 31. An attempt was made at a backport, which did not work. Another attempt was made with a workaround, which caused other issues.
So, we're updating to an unstable beta release after considering:
1) fixed the issue for a lot of people after upgrading to the same f32 pulseaudio beta version 2) The amount of changes to pulseaudio since previous release were small/minor 3) no other option available to fix the issues
In the f30 we should do an organized upgrade of both components at the same time to avoid trouble.
Revoking this now because it changes permissions in a subtle way.
Something is wrong with the script to extract the provided plugins