

Works for me


Works for me

Works for me


Oh, I understand now. PLease forgive my mistake. Is there something I can do to fix my mistake?


Bare metal system Lenovo M58p with an E8400 processor. F28 1015 fully updated. gjs still crashes. I started Evolution and started cycling through the setup pages for first starting up Evolution and the crash notification came up.

Works for me. Can access my scanner on USB and scan okay, but I I'm not familiar with saned so I can't comment on the bug being solved.


Work for me


This version fails the paxtest in the kernel regression tests on a bare metal Lenovo H50-55 with an AMD A10-7800 processor. The system is fully updated F27.

Works fine for me.

Comment: If the gnome-shell-extension names get any longer they will be very difficult to test:

(sudo dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing upgrade gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet)

Though the names are easy to read and understand.

Works good for me. I just might start using this.

I see that this update obsoletes Gnome-Tweaks. I do not see any other way to set the parameters that Gnome-Tweaks provided. That's a big problem for me. Particularly the Font, keyboard, power, Startup applications, Top Bar, and Windows settings. Some might see this as trivial, but it's important to me.


On Lenovo H50-55 with AMD A10-7800 processor the regression tests all pass with the exception of the paxtest:

Starting test ./default/paxtest Main executable randomisation (PIE) randomness is less than 28 bits (25)

I tried most of the options and icon size and it worked fine for me.

I tried most of the options and icon size and it works fine for me.

They work fine for me