

I am trying Blender on EPEL9 for the first time, and the first thing I did was try to import video into the video editor. It says 'file could not be loaded'. I tried different file types, they can be played fine with FFMPEG, is this build broken? Thanks!


Working great, thanks!

BZ#2196636 Please branch and build Screenkey for EPEL9
User Icon sumomo commented & provided feedback on slop-7.6-9.el9 a year ago

Tested on the command line and seems to work as expected.

BZ#2196635 Please branch and build slop for EPEL9

@solopasha Super annoyingly RHEL 9.1 (current) has:

Name         : golang
Version      : 1.18.10
Release      : 1.el9_1
Source       : golang-1.18.10-1.el9_1.src.rpm

and RHEL 9.2 (currently in beta) seems to only have Go Toolset 1.19.4:

Is there any solution you can think of to this?

@solopasha Thanks for providing updated versions of Kitty! Please could you provide them for EPEL9 as well? We are stuck with 0.26.5 at the moment. Cheers!

Thanks for packaging yt-dlp! Is it possible you could update the el9 version when you update the Fedora one? It has fallen behind.

Thanks decathorpe! There have been a lot of great Rust apps pushed to EPEL 9 recently, the only one missing I can think of is , even has materialized! Happy times :)

Hi, there was an important bugfix for bat v0.22.1 , would it be possible to do an update?

(Sorry to request here, I can't find any threads on bugzilla)


Thanks for the fix, now works in RHEL 9.1.

@germano Thanks for the feedback. Could I get a status update? Can this be fast tracked to release, or will it go through the testing period? I am currently just checking


This has broken FFMPEG, I can't update to RHEL 9.1 as I get these errors with sudo dnf update:

 Problem 1: cannot install both libdav1d-1.0.0-2.el9.x86_64 and libdav1d-0.9.2-1.el9.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.el9.x86_64 requires, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package libdav1d-0.9.2-1.el9.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.el9.x86_64

Hi, I am afraid this release is broken for RHEL 9.1 (which was released yesterday) as a result of a version bump of Qt5 in EL9.1.

Problem 2: cannot install both qt5-qtbase-5.15.3-1.el9.x86_64 and qt5-qtbase-5.15.2-29.el9.x86_64
  - package keepassxc-2.7.1-13.el9.x86_64 requires qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.15.2, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package qt5-qtbase-5.15.2-29.el9.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package keepassxc-2.7.1-13.el9.x86_64
 Problem 3: problem with installed package keepassxc-2.7.1-13.el9.x86_64
  - package keepassxc-2.7.1-13.el9.x86_64 requires qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.15.2, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install both qt5-qtbase-5.15.3-1.el9.x86_64 and qt5-qtbase-5.15.2-29.el9.x86_64
  - package qgnomeplatform-0.8.4-2.el9.x86_64 requires qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.15.3, but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package qgnomeplatform-0.8.4-1.el9.x86_64

Could you please rebuild against the newer dependency? The RHEL update to 9.1 is mandatory so I see no reason not to. Having said that, I don't really understand packaging so there maybe another solution.


User Icon sumomo commented & provided feedback on nnn-4.6-1.el9 2 years ago


BZ#2111336 nnn-4.6 is available

Working well, thanks!

I am eagerly awaiting a working version of nextcloud-client, any update? Cheers.

@mjq I downloaded zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.3.9-1.el9.x86_64.rpm from your link and it works perfectly! If you could push that into EPEL9 then we will have a fully working Zathura for PDF, XPS, OpenXPS, CBZ, EPUB, and FictionBook 2 :)

I don't know why the plugins in the broken bundle favor zathura-pdf-poppler over zathura-pdf-mupdf? zathura-pdf-mupdf seems vastly superior, and I assume they would conflict if both installed?

THANKS for the build! Is it missing anything? It seems perfect, I hope it can make it out into the wild soon :)

Hi, would you consider building this for EPEL 9? It is missing, along with all the other plugins in a recent release:

I am awaiting feedback in the other thread... cheers :)


Zathura needs plugins to do anything, and there only seems to be the package zathura-plugins-all available. This is broken, all the plugins are missing:

sudo dnf install zathura-plugins-all
Last metadata expiration check: 0:48:08 ago on Tue 23 Aug 2022 10:05:48 BST.
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides zathura-cb needed by zathura-plugins-all-0.4.9-1.el9.x86_64
  - nothing provides zathura-pdf-poppler needed by zathura-plugins-all-0.4.9-1.el9.x86_64
  - nothing provides zathura-ps needed by zathura-plugins-all-0.4.9-1.el9.x86_64
  - nothing provides zathura-djvu needed by zathura-plugins-all-0.4.9-1.el9.x86_64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

Also, the plugin is missing, this is superior to zathura-pdf-poppler as it also enables reading ebooks.


All good now, thanks!

BZ#2107749 Please branch and build trash-cli in epel9

Tested UI, opening key-file and auto-type into Firefox, all good!

BZ#2070926 Please branch and build keepassxc in EPEL9