

podman-remote, both root and rootless, pass all tests.


LGTM. One failure (#13283), probably criu-related, IMO not a showstopper. Apart from that passes gating tests root & rootless (local only, haven't tried remote).

Passes everything except the network reload test which Paul assures me is fixed in main.

Works fine with podman-4.0.0-0.5.rc4.fc36


For some weird reason, the tests reran with the same ancient obsolete broken RC (podman-4.0.0-0.1.rc1.fc36) instead of the latest RC.

Still, this time there was only one failure in each run (root/rootless) and it's a well-known one in that RC. This can be waived.

LGTM. I get the same test failure, and assume it's just some sort of netavark bug that will be fixed some day:

not ok 297 podman network reload
# (from function `die' in file ./helpers.bash, line 484,
#  in test file ./500-networking.bats, line 265)
#   `die "curl did not timeout, status code: $status"' failed
# # podman rm -t 0 --all --force --ignore
# # podman ps --all --external --format {{.ID}} {{.Names}}
# # podman images --all --format {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.ID}}
# 9f9ec7f2fdef
# # podman run -d --name myweb -p 5351:80 --network podman -v /tmp/podman_bats.WVrj6B/hello.txt:/var/www/index.txt:Z -w /var/www /bin/busybox-extras httpd -f -p 80
# 7237eb4778f6783181d6eb7b68e2130cfb79b5cca5052ad87e27761fac24968d
# # podman inspect 7237eb4778f6783181d6eb7b68e2130cfb79b5cca5052ad87e27761fac24968d --format {{(index .NetworkSettings.Networks "podman").IPAddress}}
# # podman inspect 7237eb4778f6783181d6eb7b68e2130cfb79b5cca5052ad87e27761fac24968d --format {{(index .NetworkSettings.Networks "podman").MacAddress}}
# 36:b0:68:bd:a1:e2
# #/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# #| FAIL: curl did not timeout, status code: 0
# #\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This build needs to make it out into the world. Any idea why it's stuck? I can't click on the failure log.

podman run works again. Running system-test suite to make sure, but LGTM so far.


Tests passed this time! Well, almost: filed for what looks like a real bug.

Anyhow, LGTM.

I think I wasted my entire morning chasing a CDN fault; and think perhaps this gating-test failure may have been related. I've re-triggered the tests and will monitor to see if they pass this time.

Podman works again, at least as far as podman info not crashing any more. I have not run the entire test suite, and can't right now.


Tested with podman-4.0.0-0.4.rc3.fc36 on 5.17.0-0.rc0.20220112gitdaadb3bd0e8d.63.fc36.x86_64. Passes podman tests. LGTM.

Wow... timed out again. Something has clearly gone wrong. I'll investigate tomorrow.


@lsm5 what would it take to expedite getting this released? The buildah currently in rawhide is 100% nonfunctional:


Tests pass on a 1minutetip VM. I think we need to bump up the test timeout - that, or investigate what has happened to make tests suddenly take so long.

Gating tests also pass with podman-remote, root and rootless, using the above buildah. LGTM, and I think tests can be waived.

Gating tests (root, rootless) (but local only, not remote) pass using buildah-1.24.0-4.fc36 from koji. Now running remote tests.

Rootless remote is broken. Filed