

note: some devel packages can't be installed until some other updates go stable. Notably this update is stuck on interprocess1 -


Commits added to this seem to be legitimately security related:

Change from previous spec looks fine, new patch linked to upstream issue and matches the PR fixing it.

Package installs fine. nit: changelog is a bit malformed but not a blocker.

BZ#2270185 CVE-2023-41334 python-astropy: Remote code execution in TranformGraph().to_dot_graph function
BZ#2270187 CVE-2023-41334 python-astropy: Remote code execution in TranformGraph().to_dot_graph function [fedora-all]
BZ#2293788 emacs-29.4 is available

Changelog entry missing?

Apologies for not noticing this earlier - my mock --postinstall workflow was temporarily broken for EL8.

This update fixes the issue -

Works fine for building EternalTerminal, thanks

BZ#2277263 Please branch and build easyloggingpp in epel8

Works fine

BZ#2275888 gnome-shell-frippery-46.1 is available

Works fine for locally building Django 4.2 (it still has other missing dependencies). Thank you!

BZ#2274635 Please branch and build python-cx-oracle in epel9
BZ#2274830 Reinstate network service for Fedora 40

Disabling auto push based on karma so we can add an obsolete to fix upgrade path