

This update has been unpushed.

New builds have that depend on librepo have to be added, but for technical reason it's not possible to add them to this update, so I'm unpushing this one and a new update will be created. Sorry for the inconvenience.

BZ#1887502 After dnf upgrade to dnf-4.4.0-1.fc33.noarch, dnf is unusable
Test Case base update cli

The arch-specific symlinks for RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-34-primary that are normally defined in the archmap file are missing.

I managed to edit this update via CLI, so now it contains dnf-4.2.15-2.fc31 with backported fix for the anaconda issue.

I managed to edit this update via CLI, so now it contains dnf-4.2.15-3.fc30 with backported fix for the anaconda issue.

This update has been unpushed.

This update has been unpushed.

Thanks for the report. I will unpush this update and create a new one with backported fix for the issue that breaks anaconda. (Normally, I would just edit this update with the new build, but since the new bodhi version, I don't know how.)

Thanks for the report. I will unpush this update and create a new one with backported fix for the issue that breaks anaconda. (Normally, I would just edit this update with the new build, but since the new bodhi version, I don't know how.)

Thanks for the report. I will unpush this update and create a new one with backported fix for the issue that breaks anaconda. (Normally, I would just edit this update with the new build, but since the new bodhi version, I don't know how.)

I've removed the build dnf-plugins-extras build, so that the bug 1746346 doesn't block the update. Based on, the bug is not reproducible without this build.

shura, this update was temporarily unpushed when the bug 1743902 was being investigated, so the packages weren't in the updates-testing repo for some time. They should be there again now.

I added build swid-tools-0.8.6-1.fc30 containing a workaround for bug

This update has been unpushed.

I am unpushing this update due to the bug

jreiser, I will move the bug 1663619 to ASSIGNED as it's not completely fixed. However, this doesn't block the update.

Btw, there is no dnf-plugins-extras rpm, instead, there are rpms for individual plugins and common (python3-dnf-plugin*), but none of them are relevant to the bug.

I added the bug to this. Thanks for the notice.

This update has been unpushed.