Seems fine for IoT
Seems fine for a number of armv7/aarch64 devices
Looks good for IoT
Looks good here across a number of x86/arm/aarch64 devices
Seems good
Seems fine
Seems fine on a bunch of aarch64 and ARMv7 devices.
This update has been unpushed.
Fixes issues with ARMv7
Works on a wide range of aarch64 and ARMv7 devices, as well as x86_64 VMs and AWS instances.
Dropped armv7 revert breaking ARMv7 on some devices.
Seems OK
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
OK, it's the libdvdread update that's the issue
Tested on the following hardware: x86_64: Lenovo X1 gen6, UpSquared aarch64: macbin, rpi4b, mustang, Jetson AGX, Jetson TX1, Jetson TX2, Jetson nano, Pine64, Rock960, RPi3+ ARMv7: Cubietruck, OrangePi-PC, UDOO Nano, Wandboard, Hummingboard Edge, RPi2, RPi3, BBone, Panda-ES
Probably some other devices I've missed from the list.