
BZ#1282186 The iotop package for Fedora doesn't support python3 while upstream does
BZ#1313085 Name resolution fails (resolv.conf is a broken systemd symlink) on livemedia-creator live image

seems OK in basic testing

Seems OK on secondary composes

BZ#1307326 arduino: FTBFS in rawhide

Works fine, should have been submitted as a single update with libimobiledevice

BZ#1305512 multiple definition of struct fsxattr when building qemu, collision between xfs_fs.h and fs.h
BZ#1317879 xfsprogs-4.5.0 is available

looks good on aarch64

BZ#1309346 arm64: unhandled instruction 0x694004A2 (ldpsw) causes check failure while building hawkey

seems OK on non x86 arch testing


Looks good for building on aarch64

BZ#1311125 vpx_codec_enc_init_multi_ver is not present on aarch64

Seems OK with basic testing

Fixes a number of issues on non x86 arch builds

BZ#1312462 tcmalloc does not follow ifunc constraints (leads to SIGSEGV on certain architectures)

Seems OK with very basic testing

BZ#1314795 Kernel 4.4.3 fails to boot the system on XFS root, erroneous errors due to old xfsprogs
BZ#1314605 xfs_repair will "corrupt" your data