

Works on the OrangePi PC

BZ#1422634 selinux prevents kernel modules from loading

Looks good

BZ#1423378 Build against python3 for Fedora releases

works fine el7

BZ#1417160 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2 [epel-all]
BZ#1417158 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2

works fine el7

BZ#1417160 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2 [epel-all]
BZ#1417158 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2

works fine el7

BZ#1417159 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2 [fedora-all]
BZ#1417158 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2
BZ#1417160 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2 [epel-all]
BZ#1417158 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2
BZ#1417159 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2 [fedora-all]
BZ#1417158 CVE-2017-5610 CVE-2017-5611 CVE-2017-5612 wordpress: Multiple security fixes in 4.7.2

Looks fine on aarch64

BZ#1410193 write_http plugin broken on collect 5.6.0/5.6.1, fixed in 5.6.2

Seems fine on x86 and arm systems

BZ#1374051 SELinux is preventing iw from 'write' accesses on the file /run/tlp/lock_tlp.
BZ#1374187 SELinux is preventing /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald from 'sys_ptrace' accesses on the cap_userns Unknown.
BZ#1393774 systemd can't create dev-log socket
BZ#1395053 SELinux is preventing pmsignal from using the 'signal' accesses on a process.
BZ#1396757 SELinux is preventing systemd from 'read' accesses on the file LoaderTimeInitUSec-4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f.
BZ#1399081 SELinux is preventing df from 'getattr' accesses on the file /run/docker/netns/a154e3251d7c.

It's incorrectly pulling in python2 dependencies!



BZ#1394938 %post scriptlet breaks install on anaconda


BZ#1393109 Fedora 25 Final build of spin-kickstarts needed

This update has been unpushed.

This isn't "tiny" any more! This update pulls in 26 new dependencies including part of the Xorg stack!

Looks good with basic testing on arm image creation

Right, with the right pykickstart stable, I think this should be enough to fix the dependency issues and it should be good to go. This should go out with today's updates so please retest.

Works with image creation

Seems OK in basic testing