Works fine on Mustang (DT mode), RPi2/RPi3 (32 bit), Jetson TK1, BBone Black, OrangePi PC, CubieTruck and Panda-ES along with a Lenovo CarbonX1 Gen3.
Looks good
Builds fail due to anongiturl issues
Works for me on a F25 Digital Ocean VM
Seems fine on a few different devices and 2.4 and 5ghz networks
seems fine
Seems fine on ARMv7, aarch64 and x86_64
Tested on RPi2, RPi3 running in both 32 and 64 bit modes
Looks good on a whole lot of different ARM devices
LGTM on a few ARM devices
Tested on: * Hummingboard * BBone * BBone Wireless * Pine64 * Orange Pi * RPi3 64 bit * Cubietruck * panda board
Works fine on a RPi 2/3, x86_64 Carbon X1 Gen3, and a number of other ARM devices
Looks fine on a number of devices
Looks fine on a number of devices
LGTM for a few devices
Tested on mustang, works
This replaced urw-fonts and changed the look of all my text based consoles in the middle of a STABLE release. This is NOT what I would expect to happen.
Fixes rhbz 1494138 on RPi (2 and 3) , tested on Jetson TK1, Orange Pi PC, x86_64 VM, mustang, Hummingboard and BBone Black
Works fine on RPi2/3, mustang, Jetson TK1, OrangePi PC, BBone Black, Panda-ES, CubieTruck and Hummingboard Gate