Working in 40 also.
Looks like mono fonts working OK.
Looks OK.
Looks OK.
Grabbed libdnf and python running OK (at least my simple stuff).
Removing/Installing working.
Working OK here.
The components used as part of the process to build C/C++ programs are working.
The really basic stuff that I use (listing and retrieving packages) is working fine.
Working fine, regression tests passing except timer-overhead (which isn't unusual for VirtualBox guests).
Looks OK in 40 also.
Working fine here.
Working fine for me.
Looks OK to me.
I can run my QEMU/KVM VMs.
Working for me in a VirtualBox VM.
Working for me in a VirtualBox VM.
My trivial python stuff is still working after the update.
No issues so far.
No problems so far.