Works in 36 also.
Working for me.
Working OK here.
Working fine for me in a VirtualBox VM.
Seems to be working OK in a VirtualBox VM.
Seems fine in a VirtualBox VM.
Nothing seems to have broken after the update.
This has certainly fixed BZ#2122918 for me, I was having this issue right up to installing this update. After a reboot it's gone. As for the others, some were driving me so crazy I created local rules to fix the alerts... and I've lost touch with which ones I fixed locally.
My Python3 apps are still functioning as expected after this update.
My Python3 apps are still functioning as expected after this update.
Generally working but I can't verify the BZs.
Generally working but I can't verify the BZs.
Working fine, didn't test installing and removing addons, but they are working when installed.
Working fine, didn't test installing and removing addons, but they are working when installed.
Working fine in a VirtualBox VM.
Seems to be working.
Working fine here.
Working for me. Tested SSH and XRDP remote connections, working fine so far.
I can run Apache NetBeans fine with JDK11 or JDK17. I didn't try the rolling release.
This is working for me.