Firefox in Rawhide is crashing on exit for me. Reproducer is to launch Firefox then immediately exit, with a blank page. That is, set your start page to be blank and don't browse anywhere. I can reproduce this on Xfce, Cinnamon and Budgie. Happens always.
Working in 41 also.
Looks fine in 40.
OK bug reported:
Not sure if the version I selected is right, nothing seemed to fit. I explicitly stated the version in the text however.
Yes, I downgraded to seamonkey-2.53.19-1.fc41.x86_64and I can load JSON bookmark files just fine, so it's a new regression.
I'll file a bug report and link it here.
Looks like pressing the "Open" button does the same thing as "Cancel". No way to actually open the file.
I cannot load a JSON bookmarks file saved from Firefox. However it's not even asking me the usual "are you sure" message before loading the file, it seems like it's not trying to load the selected file.
Looks OK, tests passing except timer-overhead (normal for VirtualBox).
Looks OK in 40 also.
Seems OK, nothing broken so far.
Working for me (with icons in toolbar).
OK in Rawhide also.
Working OK here.
Working OK here.
Looks good here, regression tests passing.
Looks good here, regression tests passing.
Looks good here as a VirtualBox guest, regression tests passing (even timer-overhead).
Looks OK in 40 as well.
Seems to be working OK here.
Note I am not seeing these problems on the 40 or 41 build, only the 42 (Rawhide) build.