

Rather, can't the patch to fix _cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_rectangula issue be backported to the curent cairo instead of fully rebasing to 1.14.0? Anyway I think this type of full rebase is dangerous to stable releases.

Why is this rebuild needed? Were there any soversion bump on Qt5 side? And if there was soversion bump on Qt5, the all dependant packages should have pushed altogether anyway - so currently I do not understand why these rebuild was needed.

User Icon mtasaka commented & provided feedback on sl-5.02-1.fc21 10 years ago

sl still shows long irritating animation :)

Any reason why you don't use rubygem-sqlite3-ruby? koji says rubygem- sqlite3-ruby 1.2.4 is already in EL5. Also note that on F-12+ ruby-sqlite3 is blocked and ruby-sqlite3 binary rpm is generated as a subpackage of rubygem- sqlite3-ruby (see bug 472622)