Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Also working fine on a ZBox id64 dcore i5 x86_64 fileserver (raid5)
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Also working fine on a ZBox id64 dcore i5 x86_64 Raid5 server
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Using it in 3 different machines (1 server dcore i5, 1 desktop qcore i7 and 1 notebook dcore i5, all x86_64) for a couple of weeks now with no issues found.
Also working fine on a ZBOX nano id64 dcore i5 x86_64 RAID 5 fileserver
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Working fine on a ZBOX nano id64 dcore i5 x86_64 RAID 5 fileserver
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Working fine on a ZBOX nano id64 dcore i5 x86_64 RAID 5 fileserver
Working fine on a MacMini 6,2 qcore i7 x86_64 desktop
Works fine for me (Mac Mini 6,2 - qcore i7 x86_64 desktop and ZBox Nano id64 dcore i5 x84_64 Raid 5 file server)
Works fine for me (Mac Mini 6,2 - qcore i7 x86_64 desktop and ZBox Nano ir64 dcore i5 x84_64 Raid 5 file server)
Any chances V1.43 will be made available soon? Kernels 4.[12].x are official in Fedora for awhile and yet we cannot benefit from their ext4 encryption features. (sorry for the doublepost - typo fixing)
Any chances V1.43 will be made available soon? Kernel 4s.[12].x official for Fedora for awhile and yet we cannot benefit from their ext4 encryption features.
Working fine on my qcore i7 MacMini 6,2 (used as desktop) and in my ZBox Nano id64 dcore i5 used as a Raid5 Fileserver
Also working fine on a ZBox id64 dcore i5 x86_64 raid 5 fileserver