Installed fresh F25 Workstation from Live, updated libdb, fully updated using gnome-software, used dnf system-upgrade to upgrade to F26, tested dnf and gnome-software. Seems to work.
I upgraded from F25 with libdb-5.3.28-21.fc25 and the upgrade went fine. I can also install packages using dnf and gnome-software.
upgrade now works
displaying PDFs in Evince works
my VMs still work
burned F26 Workstation image on F25, booted, worked fine
downloading a sample video works
fixed mutter is stable, no problems anymore
browsing and searching seems to work fine
opening some web pages seems to work fine
After talking to ofourdan, it's this bug: and it's fixed with this mutter build:
Please include it in the update.
This breaks clipboard, please don't push! Clipboard sharing no longer works between XWayland applications (e.g. firefox) and Wayland applications (Gedit, Terminal). Copy and paste is simply impossible. Everything works well when reverting to gtk3-3.22.12-2.fc25.
QT-based apps like VLC, SMPlayer and Fedora Media Writer seem to work fine
Dependency on latest python3-kickstart
is missing and without it anaconda crashes on start:
[liveuser@localhost-live ~]$ liveinst
Starting installer, one moment...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/sbin/anaconda", line 282, in <module>
from pyanaconda import startup_utils
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 38, in <module>
from pyanaconda import kickstart
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 257, in <module>
class AutoPart(commands.autopart.F26_AutoPart):
AttributeError: module 'pykickstart.commands.autopart' has no attribute 'F26_AutoPart'
no problem with https in firefox
my gtk apps work fine
can download packages using the CLI. nothing else tested.
no issues on Thinkpad T450s
Installed fresh F25 Workstation from Live, updated libdb, fully updated using gnome-software, used dnf system-upgrade to upgrade to F26, tested dnf and gnome-software. Seems to work.