a sample video seems to run fine
no issues with basic commands in my project
basic commandline commands list 'list' and 'remote-ls' seem to work fine, and 'flatpak run' also works fine
I can't mark #1580530 as fixed, seems a bodhi bug.
seems to run fine inside taskotron
built a single srpm, worked
doesn't show any new updates, but the various subcommands (refresh, get-updates, get-devices) seem to work
tested "file" on different file types, seems to give correct answers
tested "bodhi updates download", works
Executed this as part of task-rpmgrill, seems to work fine.
Thanks for a quick response. The music plays fine now.
I draw over a PDF, saved project, opened project, exported a PDF, all worked fine
my UEFI VM starts up fine
WebGL is broken since 60.0.1-2.fc28 (60.0.1-1.fc28 works fine). You can use http://webglreport.com/ for testing. Running on X11. Please fix ASAP, thanks.
PDFs render fine in Evince
tested instance create, list, stop, remove. works fine.
Seems to work fine as part of task-abicheck.
opening up a few pages seems to work fine
my UEFI VM boots fine, UEFI interface can be accessed