tried to run it, seems to be printing hw info OK
works well for my project
breaks mouse cursor in VMs under wayland (the default). see #1369492
Tested with taskotron, seems to work. The dep is fixed.
Tested with taskotron, seems to work. The dep is fixed.
Tested with taskotron, seems to work. The dep is fixed.
Tested with taskotron, seems to work. The dep is fixed.
Tested with taskotron, seems to work. The dep is fixed.
no issues spotted when looking at git history
I see hw details when I run it
libtaskotron test suite works with this
tried once after dnf update, seems to work
I only tested wired connection in VM, but that works OK.
I quickly tried at least in a VM and basic desktop functionality works, no apparent issues.
@till, I'd recommend to retract this update until bug #1304355 is fixed. There's no benefit having this in updates-testing and waiting. Even better would be to submit a f-e-k update with hard deps fixed until that bug is resolved.
no issues in chromium
@till, does this fix the problem?
Can we finally push this update to stable, please?