works for me
Works for me
works for me
Works no problems
Did not fix bugreport
KDE spin, Toshiba L850 laptop...ok Solves problem with missing Radeon Bios
I have tried the update open-vm-tools-10.0.5-3.fc23 (64bit) in a FC23 KDE live Vbox session.
steps: verify that vmtoolsd hooks cpu on boot=> login => yes
killed and removed open-vm-tools-10.0.0-7
installed open-vm-tools-10.0.5-3 => no CPU hooked
enabled and started vmtoolsd via systemctl => no CPU hooked
systemctl status vmtoolsd says =>start condition faild...= vmware was not met
So far a succes
Just remember that the bug behavior are related to AMD happends on no Intel HW I have
It was adding the anonymous comment. Additional info tested on F21.i686 with KDE installed from KDE live spin
Works for me