Tested against our most complicated project and it passed our test harness.
Tested against our most complicated project and it passed our test harness.
Testing on our workflow and test harness works
Testing on our workflow and test harness works
Testing on our workflow and test harness works
testing passes
Tested our most complex projects and roles against it - CI testing passes here
works for me
works for me on a sample playbook
Um ... why was this submitted?
ansible in EL7 is in the RHEL extras repo and this conflicts
tested against my playbooks and it works fine with ansible 2.4.0 now
For clear reference it fixes this bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1494183
My test playbooks pass testing.
As a side note ansible-lint is not compatible with this, though that should not be a blocker to this.
The ansible-lint package will need updating to 3.4.15 to continue to work when ansible hits stable.
confirming this fixes my systemd docker issue and appears generally functional
Passes testing environment in our most complex project
Passes testing environment in our most complex project
Passes testing environment in our most complex project
Passes testing environment in our most complex project
Passes testing environment in our most complex project
This works fine in our test environment
Worked in our role testing (we don't have the edge case above)