

It works, but it runs as root by default, and the working directory the services runs in is / (WorkingDirectory=/)

Isn't it a problem for security?

and a file: /etc/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.service, I had to remove, to be able to use dnscrypt-proxy-2.0.44-2.fc33 with my backed up files

The systemd unit is broken as the .socket is stored as .socket.back and .service is removed, not even backuped (?)

I a not sure why you are trying to force us to install this H.264. I will need to exclude this openh264 and mozilla-h254 packages, as I didn't have a problem to play video even with -3

sorry... mozilla-lightbeam


mozilla-lightbean seems to be at the version 3 mozilla-iot-gateway cannot be installed

test case: "firefox media" is ok, but the wiki page needs to be updated

BZ#1893474 firefox-82.0.2-1.fc33 breaks gmail and several extensions
Test Case firefox addons
Test Case firefox browse
Test Case firefox media

Works for me, thanks

BZ#1890371 keepassxc-2.6.2 is available

works for me


To be able to upgrade from versions: matio-1.5.17-2.fc32.x86_64 matio-devel-1.5.17-2.fc32.x86_64

to this one, it needs to remove first: vips-8.8.4-4.fc32.x86_64 vips-devel-8.8.4-4.fc32.x86_64


I have not seen regression


works for me


Tbanks, works for me and fixes imjournal

BZ#1505853 rsyslog-8.30.0-1.fc26.x86_64 breaks $IMJournalStateFile
Test Case rsyslog