Tested on two up-to-date Scientific Linux 7.2 x86_64 production servers, one acting as server the other as client. All works very fine. Using latest upstream systemd unit files [1] instead of the much simpler ones packaged in EPEL.
[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg12764.html
Updated two openvpn clients from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 on ScientificLinux 6.6 without any issues.
Upgraded from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 on ScientificLinux 7.1 without any issues. This box runs openvpn as a server.
Smoke tested both TUN and TAP mode on RHEL 5.8 without any issues.
Tested tun and tap mode on RHEL6.3 successfully
Done some smoketesting on RHEL5.5, looking good.
Smoke tested on RHEL5.4 x86_64, looks good! The same python-dmidecode version (3.10.7) is already shipped as part of Red Hat Enterprise MRG and works well there as well. The EPEL version have only fixed a few packaging errors. Will move this one to stable rather quickly, unless somebody finds something really bad.
This update has been submitted for testing
Tested on an up-to-date CentOS production server, acting as an OpenVPN client. Works very well.